I genuinely love snow, and frankly, wish it would stay on the ground most of the season as it is so much prettier than the brown we’ve become used to during winter. It’s been several years since we got a significant snow and this past week we got two days of snow! One was mostly light snow, and followed by rain, and the second was a full day of snow falling! We enjoyed them both, though the ice that formed when it rained was not welcome!

During the snow, we spent the day inside by the fire. One evening we even cooked stew in the den fireplace, putting the ancient swing arm into use once again. We couldn’t help but wonder how many evening meals had been prepared over the fire in our home. The stew turned out delicious and the whole activity was lots of fun.

After the snow was finished, and we were mostly cleared out, we spent time outdoors enjoying the beauty. Rosie and I went on daily walks in the woods, which seemed to get lovelier and lovelier as the days went on. It’s easy to overlook invasives and dead trees when they are covered in snow!

Bryce made a bonfire one evening and the barn looked so pretty and jaunty. While all of our indoor Christmas decorations have been down for some time, we always keep up the white Christmas lights for a while as they are such a warm and welcome sight in the dark months of winter.

As our children were growing up, we had a tradition of having Oatmeal Creme Brûlée on snow days! It was a way of marking a special occasion and something that we all enjoyed. I made it for Bryce and I, and while delicious, I did find myself a bit sad that our children were off at school. I’m thrilled for them to be on their own journey but it’s definitely taking an adjustment on my part. Snow days were just more fun with the children’s joy and exuberance!

We are expecting a major warm up this week, so I’m sure all the snow will be gone soon enough. While I’m hopeful that we will get more, I’m so thankful for what we did get!

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